The W&L University Store Book Department offers trade books, course materials, and more. It also coordinates book signings for faculty members and visiting speakers.

Book Department Staff

Nancy Trumps

Book Manager

540-458-8207 (ext. 8207 on campus)

Gabbi Harrison

Textbook Buyer

540-458-8635 (ext. 8635 on campus)

Trade Books

Browse our online trade book selection, including our "W&L Authors", "A Place Like No Other", and "Historical" collections. We offer expedient special order services at no additional charge.

Course Materials

The information provided below is designed to assist our faculty members in selecting and adopting course materials. If you ever have questions or concerns pertaining to adoptions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our book department.

Textbook Adoptions

Timely adoptions help us support the academic mission of the University AND partner with W&L's faculty to provide:

  1. The right materials
  2. Appropriate quantities
  3. The lowest possible cost to our students and the University

Please submit your course materials adoption(s) in the way that is most convenient to you.

  1. Send an email to: [email protected] 
  2. Call, or visit the book department staff on the second floor of the W&L University Store in Elrod Commons.
  3. Submit your course adoption(s) in our Online Adoption Center in a succinct, step-by-step process.
  4. Fill out an online adoption form here.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to create a login and password when you go to the online adoption center for the first time. You may use your W&L network username and password to help you remember it, but this system does not authenticate through the network.

Requesting Desk Copies

Most publishers will issue a complimentary desk copy to instructors who use the book for their classes. These copies can be obtained directly from publishers or from their local sales representatives. Publishers will NOT send these desk copies to the University Store, nor will they accept requests from bookstores. You should request your desk copy from the publisher at least a month before classes begin to ensure you have it in time.

Copyright Guidelines for Course Packs

See Alex Williams for details on producing a Course Pack.

Buyback - On Campus and Online

A Representative from Missouri Book Company will host a Textbook Buyback at the end of each term.  Students also have the option to sell books back online year-round (when buyback is not in progress on campus). CLICK HERE TO SELL TEXTBOOKS ONLINE.

The Faculty Center

The Faculty Center is a resource for faculty members of higher education institutions nationwide, and is designed to help you make informed decisions about your course materials adoptions. When you register you will receive an ID and password for a complimentary account. After logging in, you can research books through a series of advanced search features. Also includes links to publisher Web sites, book popularity rankings by subject, and information about desk copies.