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Item Count: 0
Sub-Total: $0.00


April Washburn - [email protected] (540) 458-8276


  1. Meg Beebe Marketing Manager - [email protected] (540) 458-8138

  2. Lewis Coffey Operations Manager - [email protected] (540) 458-8913 

  3. Nancy Trumps Textbook Manager - [email protected] (540) 458-8207

Buyers and Support Staff

  1. Sara Dunlap Non-Book Assistant - [email protected] (540) 458-8559

  2. Gabbi Harrison Textbook Buyer - [email protected] (540) 458-8635

  3. Ronnie McFaddin Merchandise Movement Clerk - [email protected]

  4. Kimberly Stephany-Poole Custom Order Coordinator - [email protected] (540) 458-4492

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