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Cover Image For Salisbury Pewter Jefferson Cup, Law

Salisbury Pewter Jefferson Cup, Law

Pewter Jefferson cups are your very own piece of American history! In 1806, Thomas Jefferson sent two silver cups given to him by friend and teacher, George Wythe, along with two other silver cups to Virginia silversmith, John Letelier. Jefferson's instructions were to melt the cups and make them into eight smaller cups similar to a model he'd sent along. The style was known as a tumbler - a low, round-bottomed cup popular from the 17th through 18th century. The cups were completed in 1810 and were used at Monticello until Jefferson's death in 1826. Four of the original cups are presently in the Monticello collection. Salisbury's pewter Jefferson cups are modeled after the design that was so well-loved in Thomas Jefferson's household. Engraved law logo on front. Hand crafted in the USA by Salisbury Pewter.

Interested in adding custom engraving? E-mail [email protected] for customization options and fees.

Item: 2001034

Price: $58.00

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